Self-Love Living - COMING SOON
6 Weeks
About the Course
This course is about remembering self-love at a soul level.
We all come into this life preprogrammed with Divine love of self, but in today's world, our ability to love ourselves is seemingly challenged and opposed at every turn. From how we are told to dress or not dress, the constantly diminishing quality of the food we eat, the environments and relationships we surround ourselves with, to how we speak to ourselves after a lifetime of low-vibrational programming, it's no wonder that self-love is so incredibly challenging!
But self-love is equally as crucial to experience all the abundance there is to be had in this lifetime. Many of us seek to better care for and love ourselves through diet, meditation, exercise regimens, and poisitive affirmations and mantras, but still end up feeling frustrated and empty inside.
This course is an intensive look at how we can truly practice and embody self-love in every aspect. You will come away from this course with the tools and knowledge on how to integrate all your different aspects of self and live life in a deeply celebratory way that honors the divinity and the joy of your true identity: a beautiful soul and a being of pure light and love!
Your Instructor
Leela Boltz

This is a course led by Leela Boltz ~ Soul Guide